Top Weight Loss Product Review
Are you unsure and overwhelmed about which fat loss program will work best for you?”
Frustrated by all of the people claiming to have “The Answer?”
I don’t blame you.
Do you wish someone could separate the good from the bad, organize all the information online, and guide you to easily discover what fat burning program will work best for you?
Do you wish this could be done at no cost to you?
If you answered YES to any of the questions above, you’re in the right place. In the next few minutes, I’m going to:
- Reveal the 5 most important aspects of any fat burning program.
- Reveal the single most powerful and easy to use fat burning program available anywhere.
- Explain why that program is the best, based on the 5 criteria I will reveal.
and finally…
- Provide all of the information you need to end the confusion and make an informed decision.
Our review of the world’s best fat burning program is below. But first...
I’m going to provide all of this free of charge. Why? Because I know that if I give you something of great value for free now, you’ll be more than happy to come back my way or refer someone else my way in the future. I believe we have to give before we can get.

I did the research so you don’t have to!
Hello, and welcome! I’m “Austin S,” and I have been obsessed with researching the most effective methods of “rapid-body-transformation” since 2003. Though this obsession has cost me countless hours surfing the web and one too many sleepless nights, the results have been worth the effort. Because of my little obsession, I have been able to accumulate a lot of knowledge regarding methods for rapid fat loss.
I’ve also managed to acquire a useful intuition as to what is “crap” and what actually works. I want to share that knowledge with my readers here. Maybe I can help a few more people as they strive to better themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Below, you will find my review for what I believe to be the most scientifically-sound and proven fat loss program, regardless of your current condition.
Now, where were we? Oh yes: It’s no surprise you’re frustrated. Let’s be honest: The internet can be a wonderful awful place. Yes, It’s full of useful information, but it’s often mixed in with hype and empty promises.
With so much nonsense to dig through, perhaps it is best to start your journey by finding someone who understands the real reason you want to lose weight in the first place. Someone who understands that it’s not just the simplistic desire to be “good looking.”
From the Desk of Austin S
- September 2nd, 2011 -
You DON’T Want a Lean Body!
Well, that’s not all you want. Wouldn’t you agree that…
getting into shape is about more than JUST reaching external goals? And it’s not just about getting that perfect body. Don’t get me wrong, these are important, and they should be the end result of any good program. However, I believe the issue runs deeper.
How we perceive ourselves physically in the world plays a great part in determining how we feel about ourselves as a whole. Therefore, a desire to lose weight, become more fit, and improve our overall physical health is actually a noble desire.
I see people from both an outward and inward perspective. We are not just the ideas, thoughts, and emotions that run around our heads, but we aren’t just our physical bodies either. We’re both, and we can’t separate one from the other. The better we become inwardly and outwardly, the better we can contribute to and interact with the world.
It’s noble to desire to be the best “you” you can be, because that allows you to give the most good and positive energy back into the world. The better you are, the better the world around you can become.
You might be wondering why I’m starting this review of the top weight-loss program with a deep look at why we strive to improve ourselves. My reasoning is simple: Regardless of what program you choose, the most important determining factor in your success will always be your own internal motivation.
“Why” you do something provides the energy you need to stick to the “how” and the “what.” If you know your “why,” you’re not afraid to invest the time, energy, and resources necessary to reach your goals.
In my experience, success with big goals only comes when they become a necessity. As in: You don’t just want to get into shape. Instead, it’s absolutely essential for you to become the person you want to be. You can’t live without it. That’s motivation.
I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions, before we move forward:
“Do I truly know why I want to lose weight, and am I truly committed to it? Am I ready and willing to invest my time, energy, and resources to ensure that I am successful?”
Most importantly:
“Am I serious about improving myself and building the life I truly desire?”
The 5 Most Important Aspects of a Great Weight Loss System
“I have to ask the right questions!”
That was my big “aha!” moment when I set out to find the top fat loss program. Wouldn’t you agree that asking questions about what you need helps to develop the right expectations?
In my own life, asking the right questions has always been the key to achieving success. I invite you to take a look at the questions that will help us decide exactly what the perfect fat burning program should look like:
Will the program be easy to follow and help me maintain motivation?
Why this question? No matter how good, a program that’s hard to follow still won’t bring success, because we won’t stick to it.
Is the program fast and effective when followed?
Why this question? Once we’re motivated, we want our hard work to have the biggest positive effect possible. We want proof that our sincere effort and dedication will produce results.
Is the program based on the latest research?
Why this question? Because of the hype in this industry, I demand solid evidence before I will believe any bold claims.
Can the program be easily personalized to meet my specific needs?
Why this question? There’s no “one-size-fits-all” program for weight loss. Since we’re all unique, we want a program that is flexible and smart enough to adjust for our specific needs and challenges.
Is the program affordable and worth the price?
Why this question? If the best program is too expensive, too few people will be able to enjoy its benefits.
Armed with the right questions, we now know the 5 most important aspects of a weight loss program:
1) Ease of Use
2) Effectiveness (as reported by people who’ve used it)
3) Scientific Backing
4) Ability to Personalize
5) Price Vs. Value
1) Ease of Use
2) Effectiveness (as reported by people who’ve used it)
3) Scientific Backing
4) Ability to Personalize
5) Price Vs. Value
We’re prepared to separate the weeds from the crop and find the best program. With that program, we will truly know how to lose fat and quickly reach our goals.

Burn the Fat
by Tom Venuto
Perfect for men & Women
(At all levels of fitness!)
Burn the Fat
by Tom Venuto
Perfect for men & Women
(At all levels of fitness!)

Why I Selected It:
- Super Easy to Use
- Fastest Fat Burning System
- Torches Fat using Long-Kept Secrets
- Mind and Body Transformation
- Very Well Respected Author
- (featured in “O” Magazine & Men’s Health)
- Customized For Your Body Type
- Very Affordable
“Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle” is the easiest and most effective weight loss system I have encountered to date. It’s a 49 day proven program to completely transform your body.
Burn the Fat is backed by thousands of success stories. But that’s not the only reason why it is appealing. The program also comes from an author who, quite simply, knows what he’s talking about. Venuto used this program to go from being called “fat boy” in college to competing in an international natural body-building competition just months later.
Because he’s been there and know’s what it’s like to desperately want to find a way to lose weight, readers will find Venuto’s story and teaching inspirational. He uses his knowledge and experience to guide his readers down a path of both internal and external transformation. In other words: total life transformation for those who rise to the challenge.
Venuto has 20 years of professional training experience with people at all levels of fitness. He’s also written over 400 fitness articles and has been featured in multiple high-profile publications like “First for Women” magazine, “Men’s Fitness” magazine, “O” Magazine, the “New York Times,” and the “Wall Street Journal.” Basically, people trust him.
Forget about Atkins, South Beach, Dr. Phil, or what have you. It’s time to get real:
Venuto has smuggled the 50+ years of powerful fat burning secrets previously locked up in the bodybuilding community and applied it to a fat loss program FOR ALL!
In Venuto’s own words:“This is the secret that Hollywood celebrities and professional models use to keep their bodies in such “photo ready” condition they actually want the paparazzi taking their picture at the beach…”
Ever wondered how bodybuilders are able to look so cut for a competition? Obviously, they have to lose weight and lose it fast.
Because of his time “in the game,” Venuto knew the bodybuilders’ secrets. He also knew that these secrets are not known by most people trying to lose fat. So he used his knowledge to create the world’s most effective system for quickly losing weight.
But he didn’t stop there. Because of his 20 years of training experience, Venuto also knew that we don’t all lose weight in the same way. He knew he needed to produce a system that would work for all body types.
Venuto claims that it was this discovery, combined with fat burning secrets from the bodybuilding community, that completely transformed his own body in just a few months.
But you don’t need to be a bodybuilder to benefit from this secret. Eating and training properly for your body type can save you months or even years of poor results and heartache. Venuto does a superb job of guiding you to discover your body type and start training and eating effectively for it. Put simply: This method works, and it might be the ingredient that is missing from your quest for a lean and fit body.
Sample Testimonials Straight from the Burn the Fat Website:
"Venuto is honest about the effort it takes to drop a significant number of pounds."
- Oprah Magazine
"Thank God for your program because I’ve only been on it for just over a week and I’m already seeing results. I’m fitting into pants that I couldn’t get into a 7 days ago. It’s a wonderful thing to finally find something that works."
- Tracy Heptin (USA)
"I started the program at 254 lbs and 36% body fat. I am now down to 214 lbs and 22% bodyfat, so I have lost 44 lbs of fat and gained 5 lbs of lean body mass."
- Dave Mullen (Gibsonia, PA)
Conclusion: “Burn the Fat” sets the bar, and you won’t find a better fat loss program. Period. Venuto is an inspiration, and he uses positive reinforcement to guide you a long a path to both internal and external transformation. Also, his ability to leverage long-kept fat burning secrets from the bodybuilding community and combine them with body-type-specific training creates a fat burning system like no other. It’s easy to use. It’s effective. It’s backed by research and thousands of happy customers. And it’s very well priced at just $39.95. Fully recommended.
Like I mentioned earlier, you will ultimately determine your own success. The most important change is the one that happens internally. Once you understand why you want to get into shape and that it’s not a vain desire, you can have the deep motivation required to make it happen.
While there’s no magic pill or completely easy path to success, the right program can provide the process, daily habits, and motivation you need to achieve results in a 1/4 or even a 1/12 the time it might have taken without the information. That’s what we’re after here, and I truly believe that is what “Burn the Fat” offers.
Thanks for reading, and I wish you great success in your quest to become the best possible version of yourself.
Sincerely Yours,

- “Austin S.”
I believe in what I call “enlightened self-interest.” Basically, what’s good for me must be good for you and vice versa. If I provide you with high-quality and useful information, you can use that to grow and achieve your goals. At the same time, if you purchase something I provided you information about and I make money, I have incentive to keep providing great information to you. It’s a win-win, and I believe it should be the primary operating principle of all businesses.
That said, the internet can be a sketchy place, and I hate when I don’t know for sure if I can trust someone to be honest. That’s why I want to be completely upfront with you. I do receive a commission, if you decide to purchase the product reviewed above because of me.
Of course, we all like to make money, but my perspective on business is that I must always strive to give as much or more value than I receive. The value I’ve provided here was in sifting through the crap to find the best weight loss program based on objective criteria (Remember our questions: ease of use, effectiveness, scientific backing, personalization, and price vs. value).
It is in my interest to be honest, because I know that at the end of the day, the most important asset a businessman has is trust from his customers. If I were to scam you today, I might make a quick buck, but in the long run, it would come back to bite me. You wouldn’t tell your friends about me, you wouldn’t come back, and I would lose your trust forever.
Like me, I’m guessing that one of the things that bothers you the most about the net is dishonest and misleading information. Many “review” sites pose as if they aren’t getting anything for their efforts. Let me assure you: Most of them are. They assume that their readers are too stupid to figure out that the site owner has something to gain personally. Who’s actually the stupid one here? Ironic, because most of us don’t mind if someone has something to gain from our interaction with them. We just don’t like being lied to.
I for one would like to assume that my readers are very intelligent and would immediately know that one of the reasons I work is to make money, just like them. That allows me to target the information I painstakingly research, compile, and organize toward people it can actually benefit: smart people. Ok… I’ll get off my soap-box and stop preaching now! Just had to set the record straight.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER:The information provided here, on the fat loss reviewed website (, and in any emails, blog posts, or otherwise related or referred to materials, is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. The information contained in here, on the fat loss reviewed website (, or in any communications we supply, review, suggest, or refer to should not be used to diagnose or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease or health problem. Always consult your physician or health care provider before beginning any nutrition or exercise program. Use of any programs, advice, and information contained in any communications we supply, review, suggest, or refer to is at the sole choice and risk of the reader., its owners, officers, representatives, parent company, employees, and assigns do not assume any responsibility for the effects of using the information we provide, whether negative or positive in nature.
RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Results shown in the testimonials may not be typical. Typical weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week on the “Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle” program. In overweight individuals, weight loss of up to 1% of total bodyweight per week is more common. Faster weight loss in the first 1-2 weeks is common but usually represents water weight loss, not body fat. Faster fat loss is possible, but not likely. This is NOT a rapid weight loss program. Burn the Fat is a healthy lifestyle program and a long term approach to body fat reduction and maintenance. Permanence of weight loss cannot be guaranteed.
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